Shallal & Share

Shallal is excited to be back!
“Back Lane West residency is always a highlight of my year” Jo Willis creative director
A chance to explore and deepen our processes, collaborations and opportunities. To immerse ourselves in cross art forms and collaborations.
To have more time to explore and ‘play.’
This year we are pleased to be part of Flamm with Rise and Fall showcasing Janet Holland’s vibrant work, with film, music and dance inspired by and surrounding it.
Saturday 26 October 12-6pm
with dancers response from 1-1.30pm
With residency artist Anna Willis
we are researching artistic relationships, process and materials for our Tate St Ives Winter Festival commission, which has come from explorations from our 2022 residency
We are enabling solo artists to have more studio time ie: Bobby Johnson who is the Roy Ray legacy winner for St Ives School of Painting
Along with so much more and we hope the ’50 Coats’ will get an airing!
We aim to have a Sharing during the weekend of 28/29 October, times tbc.