Kirsty Lowry & Liam Jolly

w20 Studio – Kirsty Lowry and Liam Jolly – One for the Frog
Open evening: Friday 30th May 2014
w20 Studio – a collaboration between two artists, Kirsty Lowry and Liam Jolly – presents ‘One for the Frog’
w20 Studio’s One for the Frog invites the audience into an interactive environment, in which the boundaries between art installation and social space become intentionally blurred. This work-in-progress event is an opportunity for the artists to test what happens when their work and ideas become animated with the audience present.
Support from a-n New Collaborations bursary award* has given the artists the opportunity to spend concentrated time sharing a studio and working together to experiment with and challenge their respective practice.
For this project they have worked to try and understand the nature of collaboration and when and why ideas, artworks, projects, audience and the relationships between them come together to make sense and when sometimes they don’t.
Although connections are evident – both artists for example have a recurring curiosity in how art is viewed, considering and manipulating the audience experience is an inherent part of their work – other aspects of the project remain purposely embedded in the artists’ respective methodologies.
Lowry’s predominant interest is in environmental psychology, considering how the environmental conditions of the spaces we build and inhabit affect mood, health, wellbeing and behaviour. Jolly is interested in challenging our assumptions about what we’re presented with, citing his work in the space between what something appears to be and what it actually is.
One for the Frog was selected by Sara Bowler for VASW’s Pick of the Week – see here – good write-up!
*‘a-n’ is a national organisation that provides advice and opportunity in support of artists’ artistic and critical practices.